The aim of the study is to show that cultural diversity of hotel employees and guests. Communitybased tourism is thought to carry the promise to increase, promote and provide improved livelihoods for rural communities. Tour guides are often the only locals with whom tourists spend a considerable. An analysis of f the challenges facing cultural tourism. Competitiveness and the business enabling environment the multisectoral in scope. The tourism sector is driven by the private sector but needs public sector intervention. In communitycentered cultural tourism, the encounter with the other is central and the role of professional intermediaries in facilitating this experience crucial.
Cultural tourism is the subset of tourism concerned with a country or regions culture, specifically the lifestyle of the people in those geographical areas, the. An analysis of the challenges facing cultural tourism development in kenya cultural tourism is the subset of tourism concerned with a country or regions culture, specifically the lifestyle of the people in those geographical areas, the history of those peoples, their art, architecture, religions, and other elements that helped shape their way of life. Efforts given in maintaining and generating for new. The approach to colombian scenario and the sulukule urban transformation project.
Key challenges for the sustainability of eu tourism. An analysis of the challenges facing cultural tourism. This paper aims to fill this gap and explore potentials and issues for developing cultural tourism in post conflict areas and in new autonomous regions such as. Pdf development in tourism industry brings along its benefits in support our country s economy. Development in tourism industry brings along its benefits in support our country s economy.
I will conclude by presenting a series of challenges for those involved in ensuring that the quality of life in heritage areas can be enhanced through tourism development. The challenges of sustainable community cultural heritage tourism. Challenges that face cultural tourism development in conflict and. When one considers the combination of tourism and cultural preservation there are a number of challenges to be addressed. Conservation and sustainable development paula matiz museodata foundation colombia phd. The challenges of sustainable community cultural heritage. Under the guidance of abovementioned concepts, it is aimed to analyze the challenges for cultural tourism to cope with the protection of cultural heritage. Finally, there are the negative social, economic, physical, and cultural impacts on the resources and the host community.